Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Have you ever felt like you were drinking out of a fire hydrant?  I mean overwhelmed and under prepared…that’s the feeling I have had recently.  The challenges of the day sometimes pile on don’t they?  What do you do to deal with it?  How do you dig out of it?

I remember a time when I was working with BT Office in Aurora Colorado and our Divisional President was about to be fired and I was the only person besides our corporate office who knew about it.  I knew when it happened I was going to be promoted and was going to have to make a lot of tough decisions involving personnel and changing the way we did business.  I also knew when it was announced there was going to be a big “backlash” of employees and probably customers.  I began to feel overwhelmed at all the responsibility I was about to take on in the climate I was about to inherit.  Panic and frustration began to set in.  I called my former boss and explained what I was facing and what I was feeling.  She gave me this advice: “When the going gets tough and you feel like you are swimming upstream without a map, put your head down and work like you have never worked before.” 

It was good advice.  Advice I am remembering and following even today, 13 years later, in a totally different environment.  It worked then and I hope it works this time too.

Take care,


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