Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Obama and the church

I just read about a pastor in Phoenix who told his congregation that he is praying for the death of President Obama. I got to tell you that I AM NOT an Obama fan in any sorts of the word. I completely disagree with 99.9% of everything he does, says and shows. His goals and values are completely opposite of what I have come to believe and hope for...BUT, I will NOT ask for his death, his demise, or affliction to come his way. He is our president and I respect the office and I love this country, so I will pray FOR our president. I ask that God intervenes in his life, maybe a type of a "Road to Damascus" experience to wake him up and show him that his ways are taking this country down a road to weakness and eventual destruction.
My concern, not to sound too preachy, is that the church is rightly standing up for the God-given values but we have wrongly forgotten to pray for our "enemies"...and yes I believe that Obama is an enemy of the church. Church we need to act, yes, but we also need to PRAY. Our country doesn't need the death of our president, we need our president to turn to God.
Just my thoughts.
Take care,

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