Monday, August 24, 2009

Churches working together

Do you believe that churches from different denominations can work together? I do. I hope that it is possible. I have been a pastor for years and I know how busy your congregation can keep you as a pastor. It can dominate your life, so to think about working alongside another church for a project in the community or just trying to encourage each other in our ministries, may just be too much time. But can I suggest another way to look at it?
How cool would it be to work together to show a picture of unity to a world that finds it easy to criticize the church and allow the church to be there excuse to not go to church. Wouldn't it be great to see the body of Christ BE the body of Christ and work together to win people to Jesus and show as an example by being the hands and feet of Christ together?
Instead of a distraction it just might be a source of refreshment and reinforcement that we all so desperately need at times.
I look forward to the day when we don't worry about our fishbowls and try to reach more together all for the cause of Christ. Am I alone here?
Take care,

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