Monday, July 6, 2009

Plan B's

This past weekend we had 2 booths at the local July 4th celebration. One of the booths was a Baby Changing Station. It was a big success. Moms really appreciated the rockers, fans, baby changing table, and extra diapers and wipes. Not to mention that they didn't have to walk all the way back to the car and change the baby there. Great idea that came from my friends at Stadia.
The other booth was to be a cool down tent with free water, fans, and chairs to rest from the heat and all day walking. The tent was a big success except that we never received our 5000 bottles of water that had our logo on the label. So Friday night and Saturday morning we were running to Wally world and buying small bottles of water, misters to spray at people to cool them down, and squirt guns to shoot at the kids. We had a bowl of those Dum Dum suckers and
81/2 x 11 name tags for the kids. It was a last second change and it proved to be a great way to meet people and we received a number of compliments on both of our booths.
Now I got to say that Friday night I fought my desire to really get angry and fire off some nasty e-mails to the vendor I used for the water. I wanted to scream into the voicemail at their company because it was July 3rd and no-one was there. I read the email confirmation I got during the early part of the week that we will receive our water by Friday, no later, over and over again. I was pretty stinkin' angry. But I prayed and prayed about the day and asked God to bless it even though my great idea wasn't going to happen.(sarcasm). And guess was a GREAT day!!! Friends helped out, my family was awesome, and the day was just a fantastic time of getting the name of Journey Community out there. When I told my coach, via text, about the water not showing up his response was, "welcome to church planting". (he planted his church 3 years ago).
I found planting is full of Plan B's.
Take care,

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