Saturday, August 4, 2012

Things I've learned on my time off

I have been on sabbatical for the month of July and had a great time of refreshing and visiting family.  Over that time I have learned some things that I want to share with you.
1.  Family: I had time with my dad and mom in the month.  It was great to see them and spend some time with them both.  I played golf with my dad often and together we did projects around their house, ate some meals together, and spent a lot of time visiting with each other.  I didn't need the reminder, but it was good to spend time with the people that mean the most to me.  My mom and dad have been a great support to me and also to the work of Journey.  It's sometimes tough to see your parents growing older and slowing down a bit, however it was so good to see that they are still very much in love with each other and with the Lord. I hope to be like them and I especially hope to make them proud with my life.
2.  Political campaigns: Well, I am going to be honest here.  I HATE the campaign commercials.  Not because they come so often or that I don't believe them.  ( although both of those are true).  I get tired of both presidential candidates so involved in attacking each other and not speaking of a vision they have for America.  I think America lacks vision.  The Bible tells us that "...where there is no vision, the people perish."  I don't like what has been going on for the last 40+ months in our country, but I do pray for our president.  I wish he would stop blaming the past and being almost embarrassed by being an American.  I also, wish that the challenger would stop pointing out the obvious that our country is in deep trouble and tell us what he believes America COULD be by him being in office.
3.  Chik-Fil-A:  Man what an uproar that was created by a man who spoke of his convictions.  God forbid we should speak of our own convictions if it disagrees with the "minority" of American Citizens.  Yes, that is right, the MAJORITY of Americans believe as Mr. Cathy believes.  Marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN.  But you know that doesn't mean anything really.  What's IMPORTANT is not what you and I think or desire.  Rather it's all about what GOD thinks or desires.  You can disagree with me, but all you have to do is read your Bible.  You just need to decide if your life is going to please God or yourself.  To quote Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house, we will serve (please) the Lord."
4.  The OLYMPICS: I love the olympics and I root for the American's whether they are rowing a boat, swimming in a pool, or shooting baskets.  I love to root for all the Americans.  But I love to see athletes from all around the world displaying their incredible talents.  The only part of the olympics I don't like was the opening ceremony and the dishonesty displayed in the boxing ring and the all important badminton court.  Shame on those referees and coaches and players who choose to try to cheat at such a prestigious event.
5.  AURORA COLORADO:  What a terrible tragedy that took place at the movie theater in Aurora, CO.  The Idle family used to live there in Aurora, so it held a little more weight with us.  Sad to see a young man with such hope and promise, resort to violence and selfishness.  Everything within me wants to put this guy away for good.  But I also care about his soul.  He obviously doesn't know God or has forgotten Him.  I hope he finds Jesus and the real hope that can come in calling upon Christ.  Also, the only way healing, true healing can come to the families and the community of Aurora, is that Christ is allowed into the situation.
6.  JOURNEY: Well, as always, while I truly loved my time off, I really missed being at Journey.  I love the family at Journey God has allowed me to serve.  July is always a tough month for most churches.  Attendance is usually down and the offerings are usually low as well.  That makes it tough for a church to continue to do it's work.  Journey has experienced some REAL difficulty this month.  The staff lost their health insurance and were not paid this past pay period.  I had to walk down the street to my landlord and tell them I couldn't pay my rent on the house I live in.  Fortunately they showed understanding.  All of this is because we have forgotten our church and the call of God.  While vacations are important and summer activities are great for our life.  We CANNOT forget that our tithes and offerings are VITAL to the success of the church.
Well, I am not sure that is ALL I have learned over the last month, but just about covers it.  I hope that through all of these trials and troubles it helps us turn our eyes toward Christ.  It would be such a terrible waste and tragedy of a spiritual kind, if we ourselves forgot that God is still in control and He holds the answers we so desperately seek in times like these.
Take care,

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