Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I hate complaining...

I love the town I live in, I really do.  Fernley Nevada is a town about 35 miles outside Reno and it has it's own flavor.  When my family visited from back east they all commented on how friendly Fernley was to them.  My wife and I like it here as well.  The air is clean, the mountains that surround us have a beauty that inspires at times.  The dry climate is awesome and the weather is sunny most of the year.  I like it here in Fernley Nevada.  In fact, I wouldn't change much...not much...but I would change something if I could.
Fernley Nevada has an amazing propensity for complaining.  This town complains a lot.  I hear it about city council, our mayor, our fire chief, our sheriff, our schools, our churches, our Wal-Mart, our restaurants, our golf course, and I am sure they complain about me too. (Especially, if anyone from the town reads this blog).
Well, I want to do some complaining myself.  I want to complain about complainers!
It is so easy to complain.  There are people who think it is their spiritual gift to complain.  They think they are somehow contributing to society when they sit back in their chairs and type away on their computers on social websites and complain.  They write anonymous letters and think they are helping or doing their part all the while claiming "It's their God-given right!"  
Well I got news for complainers.  God doesn't like complaining.  Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing.  Complaining destroys testimony. It does nothing to build up, it only tears down.  Complaining is for lazy people.  They want to gripe without doing anything.  Complainers only break down and never restore the broken.
I don't want to complain anymore UNLESS I am willing to do something about it.  To HELP change things for the better.  If I can't get off my rear end and help out then I need to shut up!
I don't like what our government is doing at times but you could never get me to run for office and do that thankless job.  I don't always agree with our local authorities, but I won't sit back and criticize them for the job they are doing unless not only that I think I could do it better, but also that I would be willing to do it!  
Let's stop complaining so much and try encouraging and praying for those in positions of authority.  It will help...
Whew...I'm done complaining now.
Thanks for listening.
Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Dude! I so totally love your preaching. And I may be one of the few fans of Walmart. Now computers...those I complain about. Another good word. Thank you my pastor!
