Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thanks to a Father and Son

I just wanted to first of all say thanks to my Dad.  I love my dad, he is one of my role models.  I admire him and am thankful that I have him as my father.  He's not a perfect man but he is a righteous man.  I love him and hope that someday I can measure up to him.  I am blessed to have a dad who had loved my mom for over 56 years and loved the Lord even longer.  He won't be reading this I know.  Computers and my dad don't get along too well.  But I will write it anyway.  Happy Father's Day Dad.  I love you.
Second let me say thanks to my Son, Brad.  Or should I say B-Rad...
I am proud to be the father of a 26 year old son.  If I could describe Brad to you I would describe him as a fighter and a friend.  He has had to fight and be an overcomer after surviving two medical trauma's in his life.  He has had to learn to read, write, walk, talk and all the basic stuff we learn as a toddler, not once, not twice, but THREE times in his life.  And he has.  I am proud of his ability to fight back when he gets knocked down.  (He gets that from his mom).
He is also quick to be a friend to people.  He wants to help people, encourage people and he has a great desire to build friendships.  He's never too busy to help a friend.  He wants to always be available to anyone who might need him.  Also, I feel like maybe...he and I are becoming better friends...I love that.
So to Dad and Brad...I love you both and I am proud of both of you.  I hope can make you proud too!
Take care,

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