Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One Month to Live

I am beginning a new series for Journey in just a few weeks called One Month To Live. This is the study we are starting our Small Groups with as well. I am interested in hearing your thoughts. If you found out you only had one month to live...what would change? What things would you concentrate on? How would you spend your time? Who would you make sure you talked to? What would you tell your loved ones? What is on your "bucket list"?
I have been spending some time thinking about these things. If I were living like I only had 30 days left, I would have to make some changes to how I am living right now. I think I would start with my connection with God. If I start there, then everything else would have a better chance to be successful in helping me to leave a legacy. Because that is what I want, to leave a legacy.
So, what about you? How would you live differently if you had just one more month to live?
Let me know.
Take care,

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