Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pastor Appreciation Month

It's Pastor Appreciation Month.  Yea, I know, I'm a Pastor, I probably shouldn't be writing about this.  But...I am.  It feels a little weird but I am asking you to hear me out.
Up until two years ago, I didn't really know that October was Pastor Appreciation month.  I won a year free Chiropractic care because a Dr. here in Fernley did a contest of people to nominate their pastor.  I won and when I asked why they were doing this they told me it was Pastor Appreciation month.  I never knew we got a whole month!
I remember playing in a golf tournament in Orlando Florida at a really, really nice golf course because a guy a few years before wanted to show his appreciation to his Pastor.  So year after year he put together this golf tournament.  Nice course, nice meal, nice door prizes, and a nice time.  I met the guy, talked to him for about 30 minutes and walked away thinking "Wow, if everybody thought like he did, this would be the best job in the world!"
Actually, it is a very nice thing to do.  I really appreciate the appreciation!  But the truth is that anybody, anywhere, doing any job appreciates appreciation.  Who wouldn't?  We like to know that someone, somewhere out there, recognizes what we do and why we do it.
I read articles about how we Pastors ought not to expect any appreciation and should be fulfilled by just simply knowing that God is pleased with me.  That's true and I understand what they are saying, but I got to be transparent, that is really hard!
Don't get me wrong.  I love the Lord and I can't believe He would use me, but He does!  I am thankful for that.  I love my job...most of the time.  I love being able to reach into people's life and see victory come to people's life.  Good stuff.  That in itself is appreciation.  But...I DO love it when people tell me how I affected their life. How, maybe, I made a little difference in their family or relationship with their spouse or co-workers.  I like to get an anonymous note left on my desk, saying "Thank you for all you do!"  I got to tell you, I love that stuff.
Over the years, I got a lot of cards from people in the church.  I have kept them all.  I wish I would have printed off the emails I have received as well.  Because to be truthful, email is replacing Hallmark.
So what is my point?  I think all of us can be more appreciative of people around us.  I know I can show more appreciation to a lot of people from my wife to those who serve the community to those who try to  make my day a little better by simple service.
To be perfectly transparent, it is a little weird having an appreciation month for something I love doing and feel divinely compelled and called to do it.  I don't think Pastor's need a month...I think they need a note, a hug, a word of encouragement.
Just like anyone else...we ALL need that sometimes, don't we?
So let me start this:
I want to say thank you to my wife who holds our house together.  Who has to put up with a lot being a Pastor's wife.  Who loves me in spite of me.  Thank you Gay for all you do, especially for me.
I want to say thank you to so many who serve at Journey in volunteer form.  Tim who does the behind the scene stuff.  Kevin who serves quietly.  Walt who helps people to experience God's work in Mexico.  Small group leaders and hosts.  Youth leaders.  My sound booth team!  The praise band...all of you are awesome.  Thanks to my leaders who support the kingdom work of the church.
I want to say thank you to the men and women of the North Lyon County Fire Department and the Lyon County Sheriff's department for the protection they provide me and my family every day!
I know I could appreciate people more and truth be told, so could you.  So what do you say?  Maybe we could start appreciating people today.
We should start calling it just simply "Appreciation Month".
Take care,

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I have a new puppy in the house.  Her name is Belle.  Belle is a Chocolate Labrador Retriever.  She is a beauty.  She keeps me entertained by her pure joy and excitement over the smallest of things.  When I come in the door, her tail starts going so hard that her butt wags too!  I really love Belle and I love almost everything about her.  Notice I said "almost everything"...
After having my Yellow Labrador, Lady for 13+ years, it is rather hard to deal with some of the stuff Belle tends to do.  Lady was always very obedient, heeded commands (until she got old, then she was just cranky), didn't chew on stuff she wasn't supposed to chew on and basically could be trusted in the house alone when you were gone for a few hours.  She was a great dog who I miss very much.
Belle, I love her, but man she is not very obedient.  And let's face it, a dog can be cute, smart, and funny, BUT if she is not obedient, she is not a very pleasing dog.  I love Belle, but she drives me crazy because sometimes she is just not very obedient yet.  When she doesn't obey, all that cuteness disappears and I only see rebellion!  I am not a big fan of rebellion.
It's not unlike us with our relationship with God.  God is not a big fan of rebellion either.  Now don't get me wrong. God loves us, He adores us, I think we sometimes make God laugh.  But God wants more than us just looking good, doing some good stuff every once in a while, and entertaining Him.  He wants obedience.  When we don't live obedient lives, we live rebellious lives.  Rebelling against God.
1 Samuel 15:22 But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.
Make no mistake, God loves you.  He is so glad you are happy and enjoying life!  But His greatest desire is for you to be happy and enjoying life while offering Him your obedience to His will and way.
Take care,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Replacement Refs...and grace

I am a fan of the NFL.  I like to watch football.  If you know me you know that I am a Minnesota Viking fan.  This past Sunday my Vikes played the San Francisco 49ers.  Toward the end of the game there were a few plays where the officials gave the 49ers extra timeouts and extra challenges which led to some pretty exasperating calls going against Minnesota.  However, it didn't cost them the game.  The Vikings won 24-13.
Last night the Seahawks played the Packers.  Now if your a Viking fan your mortal enemy is the Packers.  I always like it when the Packers lose.  They lost last night on a last second hail mary pass by the Seahawks.  Now if you watched the game, even if you are a Seattle fan, you KNOW that the receiver pushed a defender down (offensive pass interference) and that that same receiver did not catch the ball, instead it was clearly intercepted by a defender on the Green Bay Packers.
Usually, I would have been very happy for the completion and the loss by the Packers except that it was a bad call.  Let me rephrase that, a REALLY bad call.  It was blatantly obvious that the refs got the call wrong and that they blew the game and that the Packers got ripped off.  This season has been full of these bad calls but none probably as bad as that one last night and none that cost a team probably as much as it did the Packers last night.
I don't think the replacement refs are up to the challenge of the NFL.  Nothing against them personally, I just think the speed of the players and the game is too much for them.  I wish the NFL and the regular refs would settle their dispute so we could get back to the NFL we are used to.  The one where the refs are only bad instead of REALLY bad like we have now.
But truthfully, the replacement guys are trying.  They are trying to get better.  They are trying to catch up.  I mean it can't be easy trying to call a holding penalty on the offensive lineman and that 6'5" tall, 350 pound lineman is standing right by you screaming and cussing.  I don't like the results but I do understand the difficulty that the refs are having.  There is a reason they are "replacement" refs.  They didn't have what it took to begin with to make the NFL.  Why are we just now screaming at them to get the calls right?  Did we think that all of a sudden they would be perfect?  Did we think that something miraculous would happen once they got that NFL logo on their shirt?
Grace is the call.  Cut them some slack.  They are bad no doubt.  But give them a break.  They were thrown into the fray and told to do their best.  Not a whole lot of preparation or training...just get in there and try not to screw up too badly.
Kind of like being a Christ-follower.  We come to Christ and now we are trying our best to do our best.  We screw up, mess up, and sometimes we mess up REALLY bad.  Thank God that He is not as critical of us as many of us are with the replacement refs!  Thank God for grace.
Take care,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


What can you say that hasn't already been said? The thoughts, prayers, and feelings of the people of America have been expressed over and over again on TV, bumperstickers, Social Media Sites, and in many blogs and articles on the internet.
I know there is nothing that I could write that would make people go "WOW! I never thought or heard of that before!"
So why write about it? Because there is something inside me that says we're supposed to. We're supposed to proclaim our American Pride right now aren't we? We supposed to wave a flag and bow our heads today aren't we? I mean what kind of country would we be if we didn't?
I like it when I see pictures of the World Trade Centers draped in the American flag. I like remembering the day Americans came together, no matter the color of their skin, their economic status or what party they voted for. For that time, in this country, we came together, united and full of purpose and pride.
We learned that day that our freedom is fragile, and there will always be those who seek to destroy it. We learned that our country was not immune to terrorists and that we will always need to be vigilant in protecting our borders and our people.
So what should our attitude be today, here and now, 11 years after the attack? Should we continue to walk around in our American swagger and pride thinking of how great we are and how dare anyone to think they can hurt us? Should we walk with anger and never forgive those who perpetrated this atrocity on our soil?
I saw today many posts on a social media website that reflected many viewpoints. One of them said something like "never forgive, never forget". Something inside me cringed a little. I remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!
So today, I pray for those who had loved ones tragically taken away from them that day. I pray for those families who suffered immeasurable loss and pain. I don't know how you ever get over something like that. But I know that God sees their tears, hears their cries, and feels their pain. God weeps for them.
But according to God's word, I am also to pray for my enemies.  Those terrorists who wish to destroy me and my beliefs.  I pray for them.  I pray that God will stop them from their hatred and their false beliefs.  I pray that their hearts will find the love of Christ.  I pray for this violence to end and Jesus to come back.  I pray for their souls.  
That's hard, especially on a day like today.  But it is what God wants and commands of me.  
Take care,

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Serving the Community

On September 15 we are having a "Serve Fernley" day.  That is simply where we get out and serve the community of Fernley.  We give out free, ice cold bottles of water, wash cars, recognize our law enforcement and fire protection people, do a work project at a local elementary school and generally try to be a blessing in someone's life.
We do this and we have a couple rules.
1. Smile.  People need others to smile at them so it will help make them smile.
2. We DO NOT mention Journey.  This IS NOT about getting people to come to our church or to think our church is so special.  Nope, we just want to bless some people's day.  That is our sole motivation.
3. People will offer you money for the car wash or bottle of water...DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, TAKE THAT MONEY!  If they feel like they need to give back, tell them to go bless someone's life.
4. Be prepared to be blessed.  I know that this is a nice thing to do for the community...but it is amazing how God blesses your soul on a "Serve Fernley" day.

I hope that other churches will join us someday.  I would love to have 3 or 4 churches doing this together.  Not to gain members but to bless people...that is it.

Take care,

Monday, August 27, 2012

Don't take things so personal

In my 30+ years of adult life I have worked in both the "church" world in full time ministry and in the "secular" world in sales and management.  I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of both scenes.
I will not bore you with the secular world too much.  Suffice it to say there are people who need Jesus and business practices that need to be changed.
One of the practices that took place in my mind as I would sit in board rooms and discuss marketing, sales and profit and loss was that I would often think: "Man if the church would do things this way we would get a lot more accomplished for the kingdom."  or "If we would do what the church does in these type of situations, we would be much more successful."  There were things in both worlds that could be used in the other world to be more effective.
But truthfully, there was a lot of conflict in the world of business.  We had a lot of disagreement and arguments over ways of doing things and expectations of the results.  But the thing I liked about business was that business was not personal.  We could sit in a conference room and have intense disagreement but afterward be standing on the first tee box laughing together.  Why? Because if you are going to get anything accomplished in business, you can't take things personally.  You have to move on.
Well, I'm not sitting in those board rooms anymore.  Being in full time ministry I now discuss things like worship, outreach, budgets, and the like.  When I sit down with others now, it's usually about marriages, addictions, or salvation.  I think the church has the "leg-up" on the business world on many facets of life.  We care about the individual often more than the results.  I like that.  The Spirit is prevalent and active in the life of the church.
But there is one thing I think the church could really improve on.  We take ourselves WAY TOO seriously.  We get offended and take so many things so personal it hinders and even stops what we are supposed to be about.  Glorifying God and Kingdom building.  Why do we get so offended so easily in the church?  Then we have even rationalized it and made it a spiritual responsibility.  We walk on eggshells in the church because Joe or Mabel (names have been changed to protect the innocent, if your name is Joe or Mabel its merely a coincidence) get so offended so easily.  I am amazed at people who are supposed to be so like minded instead are so stinkin' sensitive.
My suggestion: Relax!  Chill!  Quit taking yourself so seriously!  It's okay, we are going to be alright!  Let's start living the way we are supposed to live.  Let's stop getting so easily ticked off and burnt.  Stop putting that responsibility on everyone else in our lives and start taking responsibility to be loving, forgiving and relaxed.  Don't take things so personal.  It's okay to disagree but I am not sure it's okay to be disagreeable.
I have learned a few things in my years in ministry and one thing I for sure have learned is that I am going to do things that some just won't like.  I don't mean anything personal by it.  And guess what?  Some people in the church where I serve do things I don't like.  I can't take that personal.
Let's stop being so touchy that we think we are untouchable.
Ephesians 4:2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all.
Take care,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

When faith and fears collide

There are times in our walk of faith in Christ that it seems like faith and fears collide head on.  I have experienced this on numerous occasions as a Pastor and as a Person of Faith.  
I have heard a Doctors diagnosis and the future did not seem long for someone.  It was right then that my faith and my fears collided.  Now understand, fears can be good,  I believe that fears can help you through perilous times.  Fears can be there as guardrails to our behavior and decision making process.  But here's the key point: They are "guard" rails not "guide" rails.
When I have fears in leading a church or in my own personal life,  I understand then and there, that the only way to deal with my fear is with my faith.  If I allow fear to go unchecked by my faith, fear takes over.  And you know what I found out about fear?  Fear is a bully.  When we are GUIDED by fear, we pray without faith, we worship without awe, we serve without joy, we suffer without hope, and the result is a life of stagnation and no vision.  Fear causes us to withhold and not be a generous giver.  It causes us to trust only in what we see and not in God's promises.  When we fear, we have an inability to persevere and see it through.
Fear is a big bully.  It pushes us around, tells us how to act, how to live and what we can and cannot do.  I find that many people choose to live in fear.  Many churches do too.  
When a church is GUIDED by fear instead of GUARDED by fear it shrinks back.  In fact, it shrinks God.  We start living and worshiping a small, unattached, inept God.  
Fear is good when placed and used in right way.  Fear is never to guide our paths.  It is only serving to God's will when it guards us from foolishness.   

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. 2 Timothy 1: 7

In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear). Ephesians 3: 12

So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me? Hebrews 13: 6

Take care,

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Things I've learned on my time off

I have been on sabbatical for the month of July and had a great time of refreshing and visiting family.  Over that time I have learned some things that I want to share with you.
1.  Family: I had time with my dad and mom in the month.  It was great to see them and spend some time with them both.  I played golf with my dad often and together we did projects around their house, ate some meals together, and spent a lot of time visiting with each other.  I didn't need the reminder, but it was good to spend time with the people that mean the most to me.  My mom and dad have been a great support to me and also to the work of Journey.  It's sometimes tough to see your parents growing older and slowing down a bit, however it was so good to see that they are still very much in love with each other and with the Lord. I hope to be like them and I especially hope to make them proud with my life.
2.  Political campaigns: Well, I am going to be honest here.  I HATE the campaign commercials.  Not because they come so often or that I don't believe them.  ( although both of those are true).  I get tired of both presidential candidates so involved in attacking each other and not speaking of a vision they have for America.  I think America lacks vision.  The Bible tells us that "...where there is no vision, the people perish."  I don't like what has been going on for the last 40+ months in our country, but I do pray for our president.  I wish he would stop blaming the past and being almost embarrassed by being an American.  I also, wish that the challenger would stop pointing out the obvious that our country is in deep trouble and tell us what he believes America COULD be by him being in office.
3.  Chik-Fil-A:  Man what an uproar that was created by a man who spoke of his convictions.  God forbid we should speak of our own convictions if it disagrees with the "minority" of American Citizens.  Yes, that is right, the MAJORITY of Americans believe as Mr. Cathy believes.  Marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN.  But you know that doesn't mean anything really.  What's IMPORTANT is not what you and I think or desire.  Rather it's all about what GOD thinks or desires.  You can disagree with me, but all you have to do is read your Bible.  You just need to decide if your life is going to please God or yourself.  To quote Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house, we will serve (please) the Lord."
4.  The OLYMPICS: I love the olympics and I root for the American's whether they are rowing a boat, swimming in a pool, or shooting baskets.  I love to root for all the Americans.  But I love to see athletes from all around the world displaying their incredible talents.  The only part of the olympics I don't like was the opening ceremony and the dishonesty displayed in the boxing ring and the all important badminton court.  Shame on those referees and coaches and players who choose to try to cheat at such a prestigious event.
5.  AURORA COLORADO:  What a terrible tragedy that took place at the movie theater in Aurora, CO.  The Idle family used to live there in Aurora, so it held a little more weight with us.  Sad to see a young man with such hope and promise, resort to violence and selfishness.  Everything within me wants to put this guy away for good.  But I also care about his soul.  He obviously doesn't know God or has forgotten Him.  I hope he finds Jesus and the real hope that can come in calling upon Christ.  Also, the only way healing, true healing can come to the families and the community of Aurora, is that Christ is allowed into the situation.
6.  JOURNEY: Well, as always, while I truly loved my time off, I really missed being at Journey.  I love the family at Journey God has allowed me to serve.  July is always a tough month for most churches.  Attendance is usually down and the offerings are usually low as well.  That makes it tough for a church to continue to do it's work.  Journey has experienced some REAL difficulty this month.  The staff lost their health insurance and were not paid this past pay period.  I had to walk down the street to my landlord and tell them I couldn't pay my rent on the house I live in.  Fortunately they showed understanding.  All of this is because we have forgotten our church and the call of God.  While vacations are important and summer activities are great for our life.  We CANNOT forget that our tithes and offerings are VITAL to the success of the church.
Well, I am not sure that is ALL I have learned over the last month, but just about covers it.  I hope that through all of these trials and troubles it helps us turn our eyes toward Christ.  It would be such a terrible waste and tragedy of a spiritual kind, if we ourselves forgot that God is still in control and He holds the answers we so desperately seek in times like these.
Take care,

Monday, June 18, 2012

"Words With Friends"

"Words With Friends" is a game you play online with other people.  It's basically online scrabble.  Although I am not very good at it, I really enjoy playing.  I have had games with a woman I got to baptize a few years ago in Virginia, an old college teammate and friend, a man who was in my youth group in my very first ministry, a guy I used to work with in Indiana, and my best friend in the world and his wife (she always kills me).  I also play with family members periodically, like my son-in-law, (I really want to beat him someday) and my wife and daughter.  It is a real good time and I enjoy the mental thought process, no matter what the score.  I don't use a dictionary like I know some of my foes do (you know who you are).  I just try to win it by memory and luck.  I have probably lost more than I have won, but I keep trying.
Now let's get a little spiritual shall we?  What about the real game of words with friends?  How are you doing with talking to your "pre-christian" friends about a relationship with Christ?  It's hard isn't it.  I mean, we try to think of the right words at the right time said in the right way, but somehow we either stumble or chicken out.
What would it take to get you and I a little more aggressive?  I mean what needs to take place, happen, or change for you and I to get a little bolder and persistent when it comes to having "words with friends" about Jesus?  A seminary degree? A near death experience? A "road to Damascus" experience?  No, I don't think that is it, because eventually that would wear off.  I think what we need is some LUCK.
Before you close the page let me clarify.
L stands for Love.  Everything we do is generated out of love for Christ and love for our friends.  We would do everything we could to save them if their house was on fire or they were in the middle of a raging river without a life jacket.  So what about the fact that if they don't know Jesus personally they are in far worse shape than if they were standing in the middle of that burning house.
U stands for Understanding.  We don't often talk to people because we make assumptions about why they are the way they are when it comes to God, Jesus and all things spiritual.  I think we could probably feel a little more comfortable if we understood their story a little more.  You see telling others about Christ is a little bit of a misnomer.  It is more about listening to others understanding, beliefs and perspective on who Christ is and why He came to earth.
C stands for Christlike.  I think Jesus was often frustrated with the response He got from His family and friends don't you?  I mean His own family at one time thought He was crazy.  He taught and people walked away from Him.  Yet He stayed true to His message and He was persistent.
K stands for Knowledge.  I am always a little disappointed when I ask a Christ-follower why they follow Jesus and what He has done for them and they share from the heart how they feel and what they understand.  I like feelings but my faith is not based upon feelings alone.  It is based upon some cold hard facts.  Like the fact that there is no other way to heaven but through Christ.  Like my sins were forgiven totally but I am to live a life of pursuing holiness and bringing glory to God.  Like the fact that this world needs hope and Jesus is the ONLY hope.  We are to be instant in and out of season to be ready to share Christ with others.  Read your Bible, don't just take what you get on Sundays and hope it carries you...because it's not enough spiritual nutrition.  You need more.  Read the scriptures.
So there is a word for my friends today: LUCK
Take care,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pastor's Confession time

Confession time:
I have always hoped to be a Pastor of a large church, popular among pastor circles, maybe write a book or two, have some speaking engagements, and overall be a guy other pastors look up too.
There, is that self-centered enough for you?
I am not proud of admitting that, but it was the truth.  Key word: "was".  I wanted all of that, but that never materialized or happened for me.  I know the reasons.
Here's why: God couldn't honor my selfish, prideful heart.  Plain and simple.
I pursued the things of my heart and not the things of God's heart.  Now let me tell you, there are A LOT of good, godly men who have and do all those things I wanted and it is BECAUSE they are seeking the heart of God that they get to preach and lead in those venues I once desired.  But for me, I did ministry out of the heart of selfish pursuits.
Today, my desire is to serve.  I want simply to hear the will of God and do it.  That's it.  I want to serve Fernley Nevada with a heart of Christ and a desire to help others fall in love with Him.  Not fall in love with me, not fall in love with Journey, but fall in love with Jesus.
The pride that ruled my heart for years still fights and argues with me everyday.  I have to submit my will to God, surrender my pride to God, and supply for the things of God in order to stay on the simple road of hearing God's will and doing it.
I dream of a church that does the same.  I dream of leading people to follow Christ into service and battle. I dream of people that simply want to serve however Christ would call them to serve.  People who will submit and surrender to God's will.  I dream of a church that serves the community with gladness and a passion.  I dream of a church that gives generously to the work of the church and the needs of others.  I dream of a church that volunteers in the community in order to bring light into the dark places of Fernley.
And as for me, well I want to serve alongside them.  Doing the will of the Father.  That's it.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  Confession is good for the soul.
Take care,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Break

Well school is out this week and we start our Summer Break here in Fernley.  I love my summer break.  I always take the month of July off as a sabbatical and use it to refresh, travel, read and plan.  It is important to do that periodically.
Breaks are good.  It changes things up, recharges the batteries, and can give us some time to reflect as well as look ahead with anticipation.  I like to take breaks.
There is one thing that troubles me though.  Many take their summer breaks and they take their break from work, school, daily routines and unfortunately church.  Of course, you know what I am going to say, it's not healthy to take time away from the church too often.  Especially the whole summer.  When we get away from the church we miss out on so much God has in store for our lives.  Church should help us in our refreshing.  It should contribute to our rest.  God wants you to rest, He expects you to rest, but He can help you rest through worship, fellowship and time in the word.
There are other reasons that we should not forsake the assembly of ourselves together...(Hebrews 10:25).  It can teach our children that church is an elective to our christian walk.  If its convenient then we go, but there are other things equally or even more important, such as trips to the lake, little league, or even lazy Sunday Mornings.  Making God's time elective time is a dangerous and damaging habit to the faith of our children as well as our own walk.
Another reason is that the church still has to go on, even during the summer months.  We still serve, still have need of nursery help, someone to work with the kids, and other ministries.  We also still have expenses.  While people may take a break; rent, utilities and salaries must go on!  So our expenses don't change during this summer break!  Often when people choose not to attend church for a while, they also choose not to tithe and give for a while.
So this summer, I want to encourage you to take your breaks, but don't break from the fellowship of God's church.  If you are traveling then visit a church in the area you are staying.  See what's out there.  Perhaps you will see or hear something that can help out your local church.  Or perhaps it will even make you appreciate your local church more.
I got to's break time!
Take care,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Waiting on the Lord

I hate waiting.  I really do.  If I have a slow foursome playing in front of me at the Golf course, I get impatient and I want to hit one at them.  (I don't, but I want to).  If I have to wait in traffic I get frustrated.  Long lines at WalMart drive me crazy.  If I have to wait on my computer to process over 3 seconds, I get frustrated. I am NOT a patient man.  I admit it.
Now, with that being said I also know that God often requires us to wait upon Him.

Psalm 5:2 Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God,
    for I pray to no one but you.
3 Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.
    Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.

Psalm 27:13 Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness
    while I am here in the land of the living.
14 Wait patiently for the Lord.
    Be brave and courageous.
    Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Psalm 62:5 Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
    for my hope is in him.

All good verses and certainly show that God often expects us to wait FOR Him.
So what do we do when we are waiting and the answers aren't coming?  What do we do when the pressures mount and it seems like we aren't hearing anything?

I have been searching this out recently because I am in a season of waiting upon the Lord.  I struggle with this and I want to know what it is He wants from me and I want to know now!  But God is asking me to be patient and wait.  So here is what I am learning.  I am learning that He knows me better than I know myself. He knows what I need and the desires of my heart. I can be rest assured that God loves me and He has my best interest at heart. I need to be patient as I wait on the Lord, the everlasting God. I need to be at peace and let my strength renew.

Isaiah 40:28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. 29 He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. 30 Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; 31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

So you see God knows and I do not.  He hasn't lost sight of me or forgotten about me.  He is wanting me to trust Him and His lovingkindness.  He wants me to stop trying to figure it out and just sit tight and BELIEVE in Him.  So I wait and I trust.

Proverb 3:5,6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

So, no real revelation here...wait and trust, wait and trust, wait and trust.  This is what I must do. Why? Because I got nothing.  I got no answers.  BUT, I know who does.  So I wait and trust.
Take care,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I hate complaining...

I love the town I live in, I really do.  Fernley Nevada is a town about 35 miles outside Reno and it has it's own flavor.  When my family visited from back east they all commented on how friendly Fernley was to them.  My wife and I like it here as well.  The air is clean, the mountains that surround us have a beauty that inspires at times.  The dry climate is awesome and the weather is sunny most of the year.  I like it here in Fernley Nevada.  In fact, I wouldn't change much...not much...but I would change something if I could.
Fernley Nevada has an amazing propensity for complaining.  This town complains a lot.  I hear it about city council, our mayor, our fire chief, our sheriff, our schools, our churches, our Wal-Mart, our restaurants, our golf course, and I am sure they complain about me too. (Especially, if anyone from the town reads this blog).
Well, I want to do some complaining myself.  I want to complain about complainers!
It is so easy to complain.  There are people who think it is their spiritual gift to complain.  They think they are somehow contributing to society when they sit back in their chairs and type away on their computers on social websites and complain.  They write anonymous letters and think they are helping or doing their part all the while claiming "It's their God-given right!"  
Well I got news for complainers.  God doesn't like complaining.  Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing.  Complaining destroys testimony. It does nothing to build up, it only tears down.  Complaining is for lazy people.  They want to gripe without doing anything.  Complainers only break down and never restore the broken.
I don't want to complain anymore UNLESS I am willing to do something about it.  To HELP change things for the better.  If I can't get off my rear end and help out then I need to shut up!
I don't like what our government is doing at times but you could never get me to run for office and do that thankless job.  I don't always agree with our local authorities, but I won't sit back and criticize them for the job they are doing unless not only that I think I could do it better, but also that I would be willing to do it!  
Let's stop complaining so much and try encouraging and praying for those in positions of authority.  It will help...
Whew...I'm done complaining now.
Thanks for listening.
Take care,

Monday, February 27, 2012

Act of Valor

Probably the most popular movie in the theater's right now is "Act of Valor" starring some active Navy seals. I went to see it yesterday with some friends and I thoroughly enjoyed the action, bravery, teamwork and the sacrifice depicted in this film. I saw men who love their country, love their families, love their team, and love being a Navy seal.
I promise not to give away the movie, but it starts out with a man talking and quoting his father or grandfather and saying the worst part of getting old is that men don't think your dangerous anymore... or at least it was something close to that.
I liked that quote because I think there is a real need for dangerous men today. Now I don't mean we all need to become Navy seals. I am sure those days are not in my future and I am pretty sure they would not have been in my past either...those are some tough men! But without being a Navy seal and staying within the confines of the law, it is still possible for men to be dangerous out there today. I think God loves the dangerous man. He loves the guy who would storm the gates of hell with a squirt gun! God is not safe and I don't think He calls us to be safe. He wants us to be dangerous for the cause of Christ. I liked these Navy seals and how they stayed on mission, never deviating, never complaining, and never faltering. Even when they are met with great opposition and danger they never wavered in their mission. Now it is important to understand that these men were not fearless. They had fears. They feared not seeing their family again when they left on a mission. They feared not the enemy, but what the enemy would be able to do if they, the seals, did not accomplish their mission's goals.
We need some dangerous men in the leadership of today's church. We need men who are more concerned with the things of God than they are the things of men. We need men to fear what would happen if the church fails to accomplish their calling, their mission in this lost world. I want to see Journey be a church that stares down the enemy and knows that we must accomplish what God has called us to do here in Fernley. I pray that every day our resolve will be stronger, or vision clearer, and our faith will be tested so that we will grow into a church that can be counted on in the kingdom of God.
I read this quote a long time ago and have loved it ever since: It is by Dr. Bob Moorehead

I am a part of the fellowship of the Unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit
Power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has
been made. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow
down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense,
and my future is secure. I am finished and done with low living, sight
walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame visions,
mundane talking, chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or
popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised,
regarded, or rewarded. I now live by presence, learn by faith, love by
patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power.

My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my
way is rough, my companions few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted,
or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the
presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the
pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of

I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I've preached up, prayed
up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Christ. I am a
disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until He returns, give until I drop,
preach until all know, and work until He comes.

And when He comes to get His own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My
colors will be clear for
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the
power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.." (Romans 1:16)

Take care,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Big things require a Big God and some Big faith

As most, if not all of you know, I and my family have planted a church, called Journey Community in Fernley, Nevada.  If you know that, then you probably also know, that I didn't necessarily WANT to plant a church in Fernley, Nevada.  In fact, I didn't want to plant a church at all.  I was hoping to go to an established church, follow an established pastor, and do the established things a pastor does along with a little flavor of my own to make it a new and exciting place to worship.  Sounds reasonable and sounds familiar at the same time.  But for some reason God had other plans.
Now let me say this before we go any further: I DO NOT THINK THAT PLANTING A CHURCH HAS SOME SPECIAL DISPENSATION FROM GOD THAT ESTABLISHED CHURCHES DO NOT HAVE.  I do not think if you plant a church you are anything special and I cringe at the times that I read articles that make church planters something special and unique.  I do not think God smiles upon the church planter and tolerates the guy who takes over an established pulpit.
So God had other plans for me that was different than the plan I had been hoping for in my life.  And over these past three years God has shown me that some Big things require a Big God and some Big faith.  And God has shown me that time and time again.  I am thankful that He said no to my plans and moved me into His plan.  It has been a good learning experience for me and it continues to be something I am learning everyday.
Now we are at a time in the life of Journey Community where we need to hire an additional staff member.  Not because we aren't growing or doing some good things.  But because God has laid upon us a new ministry call to Fernley.  He has called us to reach into the community of 18 - 28 year olds with the gospel in a different kind of way.  It is a unique ministry that I do not believe I would reach effectively.  So I believe we are being called to step out on this and hire a man who has this call on his life.  We have found that man, actually God showed him to us, and we want to hire him.  This has potential to be a big thing here in Fernley and bring a lot of people into a relationship with Jesus.  We already know we have a big God.  So what it takes from us is some BIG FAITH.  
So what does it take to have BIG FAITH? Well first of all let me say that the true quality of my faith depends on the object of my faith. My faith may be small or weak, but my God is big and strong.  Daily, we must remind ourselves that our faith does not depend on the feelings of the situation or the circumstances that surround us. Those things always change. Remember: Feelings and Circumstances can be great servants in my faith, but they make lousy masters of my faith.  Our faith must be grounded in the Person of God. Who He is and what He does. What matters most is not the size of our faith but the size of our God. 
Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV)"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
So, we are going to step out in faith, not faith in ourselves, but faith in God and hire this guy and his family.  But it is also going to require us to step up and step out when it comes to finances, prayer support, and changing the way we currently do things at Journey in order to faithfully do the call that God has laid upon our hearts here.  We need to give, serve, pray and fast more often, with more intensity, and with more surrender than ever before.  Lives are at stake, we are called, and the mission is clear.  Here we go.
So I am asking you to give more, serve more, pray more and fast more for the kingdom work God has called us to, here in Fernley NV.  
I am excited because we are being called to BIG things with our BIG God and I am ready to step out with some BIG faith.  Are you?
Take care,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I am NOT great...I've got to deal with it.

As a young boy I, like a lot of young kids, wanted to play major league baseball. I played a lot of baseball, small time college ball, but never major leagues. Not even close. I wasn't good enough.
As a pastor, I wanted to be the lead guy at a church of thousands, write books, and be on the speaking circuit. I wanted to travel, be asked my thoughts on today's issues, be sought after for advice, and generally...well, rock in the ministry world!! I've preached a lot of sermons, READ a lot of books, but I am not a speaker in demand, haven't served on councils trying to solve the issues of the day, and have not travelled by request, in order to impart my wisdom. I have friends who have done all these things. Yet, I have not.
Over the years, I have asked God "Why not?" or "What is wrong with me that you can't use me in this way?" God is often silent but sometimes He does talk to me in a small voice, barely audible, but always very clear. He simply says "I am calling you to be faithful, not great."
I admire men and women God is using in those ways of being on demand for speaking, writing books, and basically being quoted on all the issues that Christ-followers, churches, and leaders face each day. I do admire them because I read their stuff, listen to their podcasts, and ponder their ideas. I like their challenges to my soul and my way of doing things. I like their creativity, introspection and their what seems to me to be deep commitment to the will and way of God.
Now, I think, hasn't God called me to do the same? Not write the books apparently, or speak to thousands, or travel the globe to share the message, but to be faithful and follow God with a deep commitment of my own? You see, God doesn't all of us to be great, but He does call all of us to be faithful. Faithful in the pursuit of righteousness and the desire for holiness in our lives. He calls us to be faithful to the commands and precepts of the Word.
I admire the Mark Driscoll's and Craig Groeschell's in today's ministry. I really do. I think they are faithful men with a high calling. I like their willingness to face down the tough issues of the church and ministry. They do it on the local level, the national level, and the international level. Pretty impressive to say the least. But not because they are so great, but because God is so great and He will use these guys in this way. It's pretty cool to hear their background, their testimony and their heart's desire.
Unlike my dream of being a major league baseball player, it does not matter how talented I only matters how faithful I am.
2 Chronicles 16:9a The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
I want to be found faithful, great in my faithfulness to Him. How about you?
Take care,