What can you say that hasn't already been said? The thoughts, prayers, and feelings of the people of America have been expressed over and over again on TV, bumperstickers, Social Media Sites, and in many blogs and articles on the internet.
I know there is nothing that I could write that would make people go "WOW! I never thought or heard of that before!"
So why write about it? Because there is something inside me that says we're supposed to. We're supposed to proclaim our American Pride right now aren't we? We supposed to wave a flag and bow our heads today aren't we? I mean what kind of country would we be if we didn't?
I like it when I see pictures of the World Trade Centers draped in the American flag. I like remembering the day Americans came together, no matter the color of their skin, their economic status or what party they voted for. For that time, in this country, we came together, united and full of purpose and pride.
We learned that day that our freedom is fragile, and there will always be those who seek to destroy it. We learned that our country was not immune to terrorists and that we will always need to be vigilant in protecting our borders and our people.
So what should our attitude be today, here and now, 11 years after the attack? Should we continue to walk around in our American swagger and pride thinking of how great we are and how dare anyone to think they can hurt us? Should we walk with anger and never forgive those who perpetrated this atrocity on our soil?
I saw today many posts on a social media website that reflected many viewpoints. One of them said something like "never forgive, never forget". Something inside me cringed a little. I remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!
So today, I pray for those who had loved ones tragically taken away from them that day. I pray for those families who suffered immeasurable loss and pain. I don't know how you ever get over something like that. But I know that God sees their tears, hears their cries, and feels their pain. God weeps for them.
But according to God's word, I am also to pray for my enemies. Those terrorists who wish to destroy me and my beliefs. I pray for them. I pray that God will stop them from their hatred and their false beliefs. I pray that their hearts will find the love of Christ. I pray for this violence to end and Jesus to come back. I pray for their souls.
That's hard, especially on a day like today. But it is what God wants and commands of me.
Take care,
So difficult, but so true, and so impossible without the Spirit of God coming along side to help us. Thank you for saying what needs to be said.