As a pastor, I wanted to be the lead guy at a church of thousands, write books, and be on the speaking circuit. I wanted to travel, be asked my thoughts on today's issues, be sought after for advice, and generally...well, rock in the ministry world!! I've preached a lot of sermons, READ a lot of books, but I am not a speaker in demand, haven't served on councils trying to solve the issues of the day, and have not travelled by request, in order to impart my wisdom. I have friends who have done all these things. Yet, I have not.
Over the years, I have asked God "Why not?" or "What is wrong with me that you can't use me in this way?" God is often silent but sometimes He does talk to me in a small voice, barely audible, but always very clear. He simply says "I am calling you to be faithful, not great."
I admire men and women God is using in those ways of being on demand for speaking, writing books, and basically being quoted on all the issues that Christ-followers, churches, and leaders face each day. I do admire them because I read their stuff, listen to their podcasts, and ponder their ideas. I like their challenges to my soul and my way of doing things. I like their creativity, introspection and their what seems to me to be deep commitment to the will and way of God.
Now, I think, hasn't God called me to do the same? Not write the books apparently, or speak to thousands, or travel the globe to share the message, but to be faithful and follow God with a deep commitment of my own? You see, God doesn't all of us to be great, but He does call all of us to be faithful. Faithful in the pursuit of righteousness and the desire for holiness in our lives. He calls us to be faithful to the commands and precepts of the Word.
I admire the Mark Driscoll's and Craig Groeschell's in today's ministry. I really do. I think they are faithful men with a high calling. I like their willingness to face down the tough issues of the church and ministry. They do it on the local level, the national level, and the international level. Pretty impressive to say the least. But not because they are so great, but because God is so great and He will use these guys in this way. It's pretty cool to hear their background, their testimony and their heart's desire.
Unlike my dream of being a major league baseball player, it does not matter how talented I only matters how faithful I am.
2 Chronicles 16:9a The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
I want to be found faithful, great in my faithfulness to Him. How about you?
Take care,
Amen brother. Amen.