Friday, September 18, 2009

Last 5 Reasons to abandon ship

6. The church keeps losing it's Pastor. Let me tell you there are many reasons that make it necessary to leave, but often churches chase pastors away. Consistency and longevity often lead to strength and effectiveness.
7. Secretive leadership. I served at a church where the leaders thought it was best to keep the congregation in the dark...about everything! No doubt there are some things leaders can't share, but good leadership communicates clearly and regularly with the people.
8. Tolerance and Political Correctness become the key words of the church. Its amazing how many people believe that a loving church MUST be tolerant of all beliefs and social stances. Not true.
9. You don't feel loved.
10. You aren't being fed. I know that this can often be a lame excuse, but truthfully there are churches that are spoon feeding their people whipped cream. The church needs to take you deeper and challenge you to dig for greater truths.
Now I want to reiterate that often God calls us to change a church from the inside out. So I am not saying jump ship.
Take care,

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