Monday, June 18, 2012

"Words With Friends"

"Words With Friends" is a game you play online with other people.  It's basically online scrabble.  Although I am not very good at it, I really enjoy playing.  I have had games with a woman I got to baptize a few years ago in Virginia, an old college teammate and friend, a man who was in my youth group in my very first ministry, a guy I used to work with in Indiana, and my best friend in the world and his wife (she always kills me).  I also play with family members periodically, like my son-in-law, (I really want to beat him someday) and my wife and daughter.  It is a real good time and I enjoy the mental thought process, no matter what the score.  I don't use a dictionary like I know some of my foes do (you know who you are).  I just try to win it by memory and luck.  I have probably lost more than I have won, but I keep trying.
Now let's get a little spiritual shall we?  What about the real game of words with friends?  How are you doing with talking to your "pre-christian" friends about a relationship with Christ?  It's hard isn't it.  I mean, we try to think of the right words at the right time said in the right way, but somehow we either stumble or chicken out.
What would it take to get you and I a little more aggressive?  I mean what needs to take place, happen, or change for you and I to get a little bolder and persistent when it comes to having "words with friends" about Jesus?  A seminary degree? A near death experience? A "road to Damascus" experience?  No, I don't think that is it, because eventually that would wear off.  I think what we need is some LUCK.
Before you close the page let me clarify.
L stands for Love.  Everything we do is generated out of love for Christ and love for our friends.  We would do everything we could to save them if their house was on fire or they were in the middle of a raging river without a life jacket.  So what about the fact that if they don't know Jesus personally they are in far worse shape than if they were standing in the middle of that burning house.
U stands for Understanding.  We don't often talk to people because we make assumptions about why they are the way they are when it comes to God, Jesus and all things spiritual.  I think we could probably feel a little more comfortable if we understood their story a little more.  You see telling others about Christ is a little bit of a misnomer.  It is more about listening to others understanding, beliefs and perspective on who Christ is and why He came to earth.
C stands for Christlike.  I think Jesus was often frustrated with the response He got from His family and friends don't you?  I mean His own family at one time thought He was crazy.  He taught and people walked away from Him.  Yet He stayed true to His message and He was persistent.
K stands for Knowledge.  I am always a little disappointed when I ask a Christ-follower why they follow Jesus and what He has done for them and they share from the heart how they feel and what they understand.  I like feelings but my faith is not based upon feelings alone.  It is based upon some cold hard facts.  Like the fact that there is no other way to heaven but through Christ.  Like my sins were forgiven totally but I am to live a life of pursuing holiness and bringing glory to God.  Like the fact that this world needs hope and Jesus is the ONLY hope.  We are to be instant in and out of season to be ready to share Christ with others.  Read your Bible, don't just take what you get on Sundays and hope it carries you...because it's not enough spiritual nutrition.  You need more.  Read the scriptures.
So there is a word for my friends today: LUCK
Take care,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pastor's Confession time

Confession time:
I have always hoped to be a Pastor of a large church, popular among pastor circles, maybe write a book or two, have some speaking engagements, and overall be a guy other pastors look up too.
There, is that self-centered enough for you?
I am not proud of admitting that, but it was the truth.  Key word: "was".  I wanted all of that, but that never materialized or happened for me.  I know the reasons.
Here's why: God couldn't honor my selfish, prideful heart.  Plain and simple.
I pursued the things of my heart and not the things of God's heart.  Now let me tell you, there are A LOT of good, godly men who have and do all those things I wanted and it is BECAUSE they are seeking the heart of God that they get to preach and lead in those venues I once desired.  But for me, I did ministry out of the heart of selfish pursuits.
Today, my desire is to serve.  I want simply to hear the will of God and do it.  That's it.  I want to serve Fernley Nevada with a heart of Christ and a desire to help others fall in love with Him.  Not fall in love with me, not fall in love with Journey, but fall in love with Jesus.
The pride that ruled my heart for years still fights and argues with me everyday.  I have to submit my will to God, surrender my pride to God, and supply for the things of God in order to stay on the simple road of hearing God's will and doing it.
I dream of a church that does the same.  I dream of leading people to follow Christ into service and battle. I dream of people that simply want to serve however Christ would call them to serve.  People who will submit and surrender to God's will.  I dream of a church that serves the community with gladness and a passion.  I dream of a church that gives generously to the work of the church and the needs of others.  I dream of a church that volunteers in the community in order to bring light into the dark places of Fernley.
And as for me, well I want to serve alongside them.  Doing the will of the Father.  That's it.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  Confession is good for the soul.
Take care,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Break

Well school is out this week and we start our Summer Break here in Fernley.  I love my summer break.  I always take the month of July off as a sabbatical and use it to refresh, travel, read and plan.  It is important to do that periodically.
Breaks are good.  It changes things up, recharges the batteries, and can give us some time to reflect as well as look ahead with anticipation.  I like to take breaks.
There is one thing that troubles me though.  Many take their summer breaks and they take their break from work, school, daily routines and unfortunately church.  Of course, you know what I am going to say, it's not healthy to take time away from the church too often.  Especially the whole summer.  When we get away from the church we miss out on so much God has in store for our lives.  Church should help us in our refreshing.  It should contribute to our rest.  God wants you to rest, He expects you to rest, but He can help you rest through worship, fellowship and time in the word.
There are other reasons that we should not forsake the assembly of ourselves together...(Hebrews 10:25).  It can teach our children that church is an elective to our christian walk.  If its convenient then we go, but there are other things equally or even more important, such as trips to the lake, little league, or even lazy Sunday Mornings.  Making God's time elective time is a dangerous and damaging habit to the faith of our children as well as our own walk.
Another reason is that the church still has to go on, even during the summer months.  We still serve, still have need of nursery help, someone to work with the kids, and other ministries.  We also still have expenses.  While people may take a break; rent, utilities and salaries must go on!  So our expenses don't change during this summer break!  Often when people choose not to attend church for a while, they also choose not to tithe and give for a while.
So this summer, I want to encourage you to take your breaks, but don't break from the fellowship of God's church.  If you are traveling then visit a church in the area you are staying.  See what's out there.  Perhaps you will see or hear something that can help out your local church.  Or perhaps it will even make you appreciate your local church more.
I got to's break time!
Take care,