Just in case you missed it:
NYDaily News:
"The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase "one nation under God" -- except when it's part of NBC's coverage of the U.S. Open Championship.
Someone in the editing room, trimmed two references to the line during an opening piece that aired Sunday on patriotism. It showed children in a classroom reciting the Pledge of Allegiance."
Yes, that's right, NBC did a patriotic piece about the Congressional Golf Course where this years U.S. Open was played. NBC hoped to show all the great dignitaries and such who have been members or played at the course over the years. It was actually a great idea and a nice piece of entertainment. As they showed the video you can hear children reciting the pledge of allegiance. As they recite you hear the entire pledge with the omission of "Under God"...and they did it, not once, but twice. Later NBC apologized for the "omission" saying it was a simple mistake. Treating it like it was not a big deal because it was a simple error, nothing personal or intentional.I can see that it could happen...once. But here it happened twice. The recitation of the pledge can be heard twice and both times it omits "under God".
I want to give my opinion on this and this is my blog so I can do what I want...
I DO think it was intentional. There is a false interpretation of our constitution which states that separation of church and state means that nothing religious can ever be stated, displayed, or mentioned in a public forum, building, or function. Absolutely not the correct interpretation but it seems to be blindly believed by many in this country. I think (my opinion here) that they don't like God, or the thought of God or the image of God. The reason is simple. God is in control, we are not. We don't like that too much, but it is true. Man has always battled God for control. This is nothing new under the Sun. My fear though is that we have not learned from history.
Now if I may, let me talk to you Christ-followers out there. NOTHING is happening here on this earth, in this country, that God does not allow to happen. God knows that the United States of America is trying to kick Him out of this country. God knows that our culture is becoming more and more centered on man and not Him. He knows and He has seen it before. He has seen it in Ancient Babylon, Greece, Rome, Medo-Persia, Assyria, and many other empires that all forgot God, and have been ruined and forgotten. I wonder if we will ever learn a lesson from past history, from experienced adversity, from former judgments on the nations, that we must NEVER forget God?
Macaulay, the English historian, wrote one hundred years ago, about America, "She will be pillaged and looted in the twentieth century by vandals, and forces within her will cause her destruction." Hmmm, sound familiar? Listen, I am not some conspiracy theorist. I don't have a militia agenda. I simply want to turn back to God. We have been trying it our way for about 60 years now...so my question is simple: "How's that working for us?"
We spend more on education now than ever before in the history of mankind, yet we see the results get lower and lower. Is it because of bad teachers? No. I think it is because of the bad agenda of our education system. We have been trying to kick God out of our country for 6 decades now. We started with the schools. God cannot honor anything that does not honor Him. Let's try education with God instead of against God.
I love the freedom we have in America. Freedom to state our beliefs, to stand up for our convictions and to hear others. Unfortunately we have become such an arrogant nation that we actually believe that we are free because of our strength and our might and our intelligence. I tell you we are free because of God and His gift of freedom. We remain free because God has called us to protect that fragile freedom with our strength, might and intelligence.
Let's keep God not just in our pledge, but much more importantly in our Country. Churches and Christ-followers alike need to pray and fast for this country. I heard that Rick Perry, the governor of Texas has invited all Pastors to go to Houston in August to pray and fast for our country. I am going to try to go. But if I can't go, I am still going to fast and pray here in Fernley. LISTEN CHURCH: RISE UP AND PRAY DON'T RISE UP AND COMPLAIN. NBC is not God's representation...YOU ARE! I am...His church! It matters not what NBC does. I think we need to ask, What are we doing? Let's begin some regulars times for fasting and prayer. Let me recall for you a great quote: "America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."–Alexis de Tocqueville
Take care,