Monday, February 23, 2009

The First Blog

I have never blogged before…so this is my inaugural blog.  I, Rod Idle, do solemnly swear to keep each and every blog short, sweet, and to the point.  

I just got done reading a book by Robert Lewis called “The Church of Irresistible Influence”.   In it he talks extensively about building bridges into the community.  How the church has the main responsibility of helping the community SEE the love of God and not just hear about it.  He calls it I2.  I love the idea of being an externally focused, missional, meet the needs, “out there” kind of ministry.  I want to be a church of Irresistible Influence from the very start.  I2 is going to part of the DNA of Journey Community Church in Fernley from the beginning.   

This is a matter of the heart and prayer first.  I am fasting and praying each week and asking God to increase my burden for the people of Fernley.  I want to see needs and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in order to meet those needs.   So in order to be effective I need your help as well.  Gay and I are looking for people who are willing to be a part of the Journey Prayer Team (I’ll try to be more creative for a new name real soon).

The commitment is simple: Pray daily for the work of Journey Community Church of Fernley; pray for the specific prayer needs shared each week through the e-mail updates we send out; intercede when needed because spiritual attacks do happen and will happen; and finally be willing to fast periodically with a concentration of prayer for this community.

If that is your desire and you are willing to be a VITAL part of this work, then simply send an e-mail back to Gay at and she will get you on the list.  We hope that this list will grow continuously.

Thanks for all your love and support.
